Ode to Social Media
Social media is the alteration of content. It has the impact to allow individuals to alter from reading information to circulating information through sharing and creating content. In short, social media is simply anything that uses the internet to assist conversations and media. Individuals now are able to broadcast their ideas, opinions and expertise on a global spectrum. A person’s tone of voice can be as influential as iconic figures using the tool of social media. It all depends on how impactful your campaign is and what strategies and tactics you use to reach that point of definition.
With the growth and development of the Internet and the changes in the Internet Technology, particularly in the rise of the Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn and many other sites, it has become crucial for companies to participate in social media.Companies today use social media sites such as: Facebook Fan Page accounts, Twitter accounts, LinkedIn accounts. These companies, big and small, use the social media as a tool to build awareness of their brand, consumer recognition, simply as a tool to market their products and services.
The use of the social media is considered as a deviation from the traditional forms of marketing.
In the past, marketing is done in terms of directly selling to the target audience particular products and services. Business organizations spend handsome amount of money via television or print advertising just to attract the attention of their target consumers and convince them that their products and services are superior to their competitors
In the past, marketing is done in terms of directly selling to the target audience particular products and services. Business organizations spend handsome amount of money via television or print advertising just to attract the attention of their target consumers and convince them that their products and services are superior to their competitors
With the rise of the Internet Technology, the Internet has not only become a tool for searching information. Rather, it has become a tool for sharing information and knowledge. Companies and consumers are now directly engaged in spreading information to like-minded individuals about products and services. For example, consumers who have twitter can easily tweet about a particular product which is out on the market and discuss about its features. Other consumers who share similar interest can comment, retweet and discuss their own experience with the particular brand. Some consumers discuss these product features in blogs where they are able to discuss the product and use keywords within their blog to optimize search results back to the company.
Companies utilize the power of the social media to market their products and services. For example, a company is engaged in selling a particular type of shoes.These companies can share information about shoes on their blog and let consumers comment on these blog posts. They can visit blogs of other consumers which discuss about their favourite type of shoes, shoes in trend etc. and comment on these blog posts by sharing information.
The important word about social media marketing is that it is social. Companies now participate in the communication that is going on in the world wide web. When used properly and diligently, small businesses can easily compete with bigger businesses.
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