Friday 26 April 2013

The impact social media has on the marketing industry

  The impact social media has on the marketing industry

The overall Marketing Industry is beginning to go through some striking and remarkable transitions, although some may consider social media an unorthodox approach to customer communication, while others feel that social media is nothing more than a passing fad. Some would argue that this is leading to a “down slope” for the overall industry. Although, business executives are finding quite the opposite result. The web is actually helping to enhance the efficiency of the how the industry communicates and puts forth tactics, strategies as well relating information to their customers and clients. The web and social media are making it easier for businesses to communicate to their target audience. Concurrently, where there was once a separation between marketing and public relations, the impact of the web has resulted in a merger between the two industries in result creating an overall greater impact.

Social media is the combination of advertising, public relations, marketing and sales. For example, if an international band comes to perform in town and you place ads throughout the subway and bus stops this is an example of advertising. If you hold a press release alerting the public and local media about the band’s performance, this would be an example of public relations. If you are able to create good rapport for the band this is a form of marketing. If you persuade your target audience on the great value they receiving from attending the concert this would be a form of sales. Social media is a combination of all of these methods, as it is the ultimate tool used to convey your content out there.  Placing an advertisement on Facebook or Pinterest is just or even more effective then placing your ads within subways and bus stops. We can alert target audience through twitter and even create a release through blogging. Social media has made creating a good rapport easy as you are able to allow your audience interact through social media contests, photos and comments making them feel a part of the marketing strategy.

Social Media is giving people the authorization to appoint and influence others. This impact of social media is forcing the overall public relations and marketing industry to be aware and include these tools empowering in their strategies when marketing or advertising. Social Media is becoming more and more influential, not only is it “switching the gear” for the way we communicate but it is becoming arousing for marketers globally. This switched has allowed the marketing industry to connect with their clients

With the powerful tool of social media, marketers are able to advertise and target the intended geographic or demographic, habits and psychographics. Through a simple tools we can advertise, We are able to add keywords and create blogs into a search engine that optimizes results. Social media sites are creating an upside for marketers as we are now able to connect and reach out to both existing and prospective clients, making it easy for us to target specified niches.  

Thursday 11 April 2013

Meet The Crew

                                                     Meet The Crew

Depending on your company’s goal and what you want to achieve will determine which social networking site suits your company.  Learning briefly about each network will allow you to determine which niche you would like to fit in to and how you would like to execute your social media campaign in order to reach your target audience at the maximum potential.

Twitter: The network is active and a buzz with links, conversation, self reflections, and just plain content. To inbound marketers, all of this content probably seems great -- but it also means it takes a lot of work to get your content to stand out in the crowd.

Facebook: how do companies fit into this social network that focuses so heavily on the human connection? Companies are  acting more like friends, and less like, well, companies. This means your updates should be friendlier, and show personality through photos and videos that make your brand seem more relatable. That's why we use Facebook to share things like important milestones in our company's life, just like you would with your friends and family!

Google +: When you post your content to Google+ you're making it more likely your company's content will rank well in Google's SERPs. That's because, much to the dismay of many other social networks, Google is considering factors such as +1's of content when deciding how high to rank a piece of content. Google also started to index and feature Google+ status updates, author names, and 'Add to Circles' buttons in search results, making your activity on Google+ even more important for a strong organic search presence.

Pinterest: Pinterest is easy to maintain and grow if you're more reliant on visuals than text in your industry. We do, however, recommend writing descriptions for every image you pin to provide further explanation for those looking to learn more about your pin. And before you go saying Pinterest is just for wedding planners  and artist’s remember that your visuals could include anything from photos, to graphs, to infographs! They key with Pinterest is, when someone clicks your image to see the source, you're directing them to your website so you can convert all that Pinterest traffic.
Linked-in: to target other businesses -- if that's your goal, of course. Use your content to provide solutions to business-related problems, and people will naturally share your content in an attempt to boost their own clout, not to mention click your content so you can generate more leads. Don't be afraid of posting white papers and reports here, either -- this is the type of content that typically performs quite well on LinkedIn.

YouTube: Use YouTube to tell important stories about your company, to entertain your audience, and even to educate them (maybe create your first webinar!) As with most visual content, sometimes it's easier to get your message across with something a bit more interactive.